As we already touched upon in other articles, abundance is a flow. Abundance and material abundance do not have not a static status (such as wealth), but rather a dynamic one. You can only be abundant if you regularly receive elements of abundance in your life. If at some point of time such flow would slow down or even stop, then your abundance will decrease.
This is very well reflected on business, where a recurring steady or increasing income reflects that abundance is flowing. A decreasing level of income, would on the other hand indicate that the flow is for some reason slowing down.
Understanding the factors behind the flow
In my own experience, abundance is a flow that changes according to some external factors but mainly internal ones. As external factors, some periods of time are more favourable than others to this flow, in the form of providing the equivalent of favourable wind to it or a wind on the opposite direction.
But the main drivers of the abundance flow are internal. The level of flow reflects among other things, our level of detachment, self esteem and generosity with ourselves and others. Nourishing our detachment, self esteem and our generosity does sooner or later impact the level of flow and the abundance we experience.
Adapting to the volume of abundance that we have, allows us to flow with it. And through flowing, to direct it, to give it more strength. What does it mean to adapt to it? First accepting it. Accepting that the flow of abundance is variable and can sometimes be limited. Accepting that there is nothing wrong in the fact that the flow of abundance differs in different periods of our lives. That this happens to all of us and is part of life. And finally, accepting that a low level of abundance flow reflects our own internal limitations and that the level of the flow, whatever it is, has an evolutionary purpose.
The second step to adapt to the volume of our abundance flow involves actively flowing with it. Based on the actual volume of flow, what can I do with my knowledge and resources to strengthen it? Which actions can I take? Where do I want to take it? How can I through a higher level of knowledge and consciousness on the situation expand my area of action?
By learning to manage the abundance flow, we can direct into one area of our life or another, according to the decisions that we make and the motivation behind our decisions. The place from where we take such decisions attaches the information of the archetype of our motivation. Therefore, when we decide out of a motivation of fear, the information of this archetype gets attached to such action. If we make the same decision with a motivation of confidence, then the same decision carries another information.
The resonance with the archetype embedded in a decision affects the process of manifesting the outcome of the decision. The resonance tends to move the outcome into one direction or another. The mechanics of this process are simple. As a simplification, we can imagine the manifestation process of a decision as a wave falling from higher planes into the physical plane through a track or a lane. The manifesting wave passes on its way to reach the physical plane through the plane where the information of all archetypes is located. By resonating with one archetype or another, the wave moves position in this plane from one track to another near one, and then continues moving down into the next plane. This change of track or location carries the wave; the outcome, the effect of such decision into a different direction.
Decisions carrying information that our society would define as “positive” (e.g. all virtues, pleasant emotions and feelings) produce outcomes that are more “positive”, than decisions carrying information which we normally define as “negative” (e.g. negative feelings and emotions). Bringing consciousness into our motivations allows us to choose in which direction we send the outcomes of our decisions.
Managing our abundance flow comes down to our choices our elections, and whether we make them consciously or on automatic mode. Am I choosing detachment, high self esteem and generosity? Am I choosing positive emotions and feelings? Am I choosing to accept the abundance in my life? Am I choosing to use my knowledge and resources?