Knowing your unique value is the first step to strengthening your abundance flow. A flow of abundance is nothing else that an exchange of value. I create value for somebody else and in return I receive value from the other party. This exchange of value does not need to involve at all money (for example, you can create value for someone and receive help from this person in form of their time). Nevertheless, as money is the main payment mean in our society, our abundance flows very often involve a payment in return.
This aspect does not change the fundamental principle that abundance is not money. Abundance is obtaining what you need when you need it, regardless of whether a monetary payment is involved or not. If you receive a monetary payment, then the abundance flow is completed when you exchange the received payment for the good or service that you need. Economies with very hyperinflation illustrate this differentiation quite well. The constant loss of “value” of money in those economies puts the focus on where the real abundance flow is: in obtaining the goods and services that you need.
Your unique value changes your reality
Having clarity about what your unique value is – knowing what it is that you can uniquely do for others and in doing so create value for them – impacts your abundance flow. According to metaphysics, what you see around you is a projection of what’s inside you. So, if your reality is showing you what you carry inside you, changes to your inside do, sooner or later, manifest in changes in your reality. When you find out and clarify what your unique value is, what it is that you can give to others, you are changing your inside. You are changing your thoughts and creating mental clarity about your value. By the law of resonance and attraction, this greater clarity attracts those people or organizations that need or could benefit from such value.
After clarifiing your unique value, the next step to strengthen your abundance flow involves reaching a state where you have no doubts about your unique value. This means being 100% convinced that you can create and give this value to others, no matter what others tell you or what situations come to you. With this step we move beyond changing our thoughts and creating clarity, to changing our beliefs. The change of beliefs has a much more powerful effect in your reality, the change in your inside is far larger, largely increasing the law of attraction.
The final step to reinforce the law of attraction is the motivation that you have to provide this value to others. What is your main motivation? Is it creating and delivering value for others (i.e. helping them in their needs through what you can do for them)? Is it doing something for a greater good? Is it simply to obtain an income? Is it something else?
This is neither a banal nor an altruistic question. The intention that we put behind our actions are also projected into the outside world and sooner or later also have an impact in what we see in our reality. If our intention behind is one of service to others, we will resonate with this concept. We will, by the law of resonance, attract situations of receiving service from others in our reality -also in our abundance flow-. If our intention is egoistic, we will attract these situations in our abundance flow. By no means, I intend to say that you should not charge and receive a payment for delivering value. Rather the opposite, the monetary value should, in my view, reflect the value delivered. What I want to state, is the impact that the motivation behind your interactions to deliver value has on the abundance flow.
There are situations where a motivation of service to others in delivering value, it does not result in improvements in abundance flow. There are some potential reasons for this. In metaphysics everything that happens has a purpose, an objective. It does not happen by chance. Such purpose is mostly linked to a learning. The situation is there for you to learn something and evolve. In those cases, understanding what you can learn from the situation and learning it, will unlock it. As explained in the previous post, learning increases our consciousness and by learning we also apply energy to it, and change our inside, resulting in a change in reality.
Finding your unique value
After reading this, some of you would say. How do I find my unique value? While your education and professional background is a starting point to find it, your truly unique value goes beyond this. We all have, just by who we are, a unique value that we can give to others and that can be used in different fields or professions. Each human being is unique and as such, this value is unique.
How can you find this unique value linked to who you are? By personal introspection. Look at your life and look at what is the biggest pain point that has regularly shown in different situations throughout your whole life. Look at the area or situations in your life where you regularly struggled. Behind those pain points lies your biggest unique value. Why? Because your life journey is behind that value. Through the situations that you have lived, you have interacted in that area and acquired experiences that other persons that did not, and which are of value to others.
A friend of mine, escaped as a child from war in his native country in South East Asia, by embarking in a small boat into the Indian Ocean with his mother and sister. They were lucky to bump into an oil tanker that rescued them and lived in a refugee camp for some time until they could come to Europe and reunite with the rest of his family. For years he tried different professions until he found his unique value. Today he is a social counsellor in Switzerland helping immigrant families. His unique value is using this experience and how he has processed it in his adult life, to help others who have endured similar situations.
Of course, you do not need to have such extreme life experiences to have and find your unique value. We all have lived experiences that were difficult for us, that other people did not live, and those events point to your unique value.
Believing in your unique value
To strengthen your belief in your unique value, make a list of all the objections that come to your mind, about delivering that value. Some very common objections are “I do not know how to do it”, “I cannot do it”, “Nobody would be interested”, “there are other individuals/organizations better at this”, etc. Then pick up each objection, and try to rebate it intellectually to yourself, until this objection has no longer convincing power to you. So, for example you can start rebating the argument “nobody would be interested in the value I can offer” by saying to you: how do I know this? What evidence do I have of this? The easiest way to rebate yourself, is by talking to you in third person in loud voice, as if you were having the conversation with another person.
Unique value versus unique selling proposition
Business schools teach in marketing the concept of unique selling proposition (also called USP) applied to business but also to individuals. The concept of unique value has some similarities to USP, but it has some very fundamental differences. USP is the unique concept that you want your customers to have in their minds about your product (or yourself) so that they buy it.
On the other hand, the concept of unique value is not based in selling, but in delivering value, and places great importance in your belief in such value and in your motivations to deliver it. In unique value, you also do not try to influence others but only yourself, your thoughts, your beliefs and motivation behind how you can provide value.
Why do those differences matter? By acting in ourselves, by changing our inside, we are projecting changes in our reality. Furthermore, in unique value we are creating and acting in coherence with ourselves. We go through a process of finding our own value based in our life experiences, in our purpose, reaching the point where we believe on it and apply the right motivation to it. There is coherence between what we have lived, what we think, what we say and what we do and, as I will explain in another article, such coherence has also an important effect in the manifestation of reality.